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Frequently Asked Question

All you need to know

1. Is Sofia Duarte my real name?

Maybe. Sofia is my second name. I am named Elsa Sofia, a beautiful name chosen by my dad. Elsa is my mom's name and he loved it so much that I get it!

2. What do I write?

It started in Portuguese when I was a little girl. Poetry at first, but soon I've become a storyteller at 15. I've started writing English works in 2017, and here we are now.

3. How about requests?

I like to dare. And I love when people give me a word to write a poem or tributes/dedications. You can ask for them at BuymeaPen.

4. Who are the Beta-Readers?

I like to inspire people to feel more. But, sometimes I need to get some opinion on the work I am currently writing. They are trusted people witch I can ask to give feedback before publishing.

5. Why am I doing this?

I love to write. I think it flows within my veins and I believe that I can inspire people to be more real and feel everything without drowning.

6. Who or what does inspire me when I write?

I started writing because I missed my dad. He died when I was seven years old. I miss him until tomorrow. With that "Saudade" a Portuguese word that means longing for a loved one or a past moment. I started to write some bad poems. Later I discovered that he did poetry too. I was impressed!
Inspiration sometimes borns itself. Or a moment, music, nature, all that can make the river of words flow.

7. What was the work that I've loved more?

I will say the one in English because you could not read the Portuguese ones. The last that I loved writing was a letter to my mother. She's the pillar of my life after the death of my father.

8. Who are my favorite writers?

I like poets like Hérberto Helder, Florbela Espanca, Fernando Pessoa and Edward Allan Poe.
For stories, Isabell Allende is one of my predilect autors. L. Stine with the Goosebumps. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry with The Little Prince. And the Grimm brothers.

8.1 How about Music?

Glad to hear almost all of it. Fado and Portuguese bands/ Hip-hop / Rap, all kinds of Rock and some kinds of Pop. And It doesn't stop there. I can give you some names about almost all genres.

8.2. Recomendations for Movies?

Harry Potter series; Tim Burton's movies; Queen of the Damned; Pan's Labyrinth; Sintel; Freddy Krueger; Capitães de Abril and Saw series.

8.3. And for Series?

Sherlock (BBC); Fringe (US); Mr. Queen (Korea); Lost Romance (China); Supernatural(US); American Horror Story(US); Nikita (US); Game of Thrones (US) and a thousand more.

9. Do I bathe every day?

Yes, I do. Glad you wanted to know. I use perfume too and don't like to smell bad.

If you didn't find here what you need to know, feel free to ask!

I don't have a great experience with this kind of general question. So, go ahead!



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